Byrangery Reserve

This 15 hectare Reserve in Goonengerry is set aside exclusively for wildlife habitat and is managed by the Byrangery Grass Reserve Trust, appointed by the NSW Minister of Lands.

Through the hard work and fundraising efforts of the local residents and the Trust’s volunteers, with the addition of grants from the Department of Lands and other government grants we have been able to make a real difference to this important piece of community land. Dedicated volunteers have been carrying out restoration work here since 1997. 

Planting native species and controlling weedshas seen a dramatic change to the reserve from a weed dominated landscape to a diverse haven for local plants and animals.

Powerful owl at Byrangery Grass Reserve

2017 saw the opening of the Byrangery Grass Reserve walking track, with an open day for the community.

For further information about the park download a short booklet: